Saturday, 30 January 2010

Police embedded to help secure Freeport employees

Police embedded to help secure Freeport employees

Markus Makur and Angela Flassy ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Timika/Jayapura   |  Fri, 01/29/2010 11:02 AM  |  The Archipelago
The authorities have increased security measures at mining firm PT Freeport Indonesia by slipping a police officer into each of the buses transporting company employees between work and home.
The measures, which are supported by 1,700 army and police personnel, have been adopted in
the wake of repeated shooting incidents along the road from Timika to Tembagapura.
Sporadic shootings by unidentified groups are reportedly distressing passengers on the passing buses, with the recent incident on Sunday leaving nine injured.
Among the victims were an American employee and four Mobile Brigade police officers.
Timika police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Muhammad Sagi said Thursday that the police were still investigating the incident.
“The police will continue to investigate and we will not speculate about the perpetrators of the
He said the shooting incident had not affected the employees’ commute between Timika and the mining site at Grasberg, Tembagapura.
Meanwhile, a researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences reiterated calls for the police to thoroughly investigate the matter.
“The police must be serious in their investigations in all shooting incidents at the premises of PT Freeport Indonesia,” Muridan told The Jakarta Post.
He said the repeated incidents showed the government had failed to provide security.
“The police are not resolute enough to uncover what is happening and who are the perpetrators,” he said.
“Is there any possibility that it is related to competition over the right to obtain security protections on PT Freeport ... or anything to do with gold panning at the tailing area?”
The police have blamed the security disturbance in the area on the separatist Papua Freedom Movement (OPM).
OPM leader Kelly Kwalik was killed over a month ago, but the disturbance remains.
The shootings are reported to have happened three times since Kwalik’s death.
Ruben Magay, a legislator from Commission A, also urged immediate disclosure for the shooting incidents.
“If they can’t, just recall them from there,” he said.
“President SBY, through the police chief, must address the issue. If possible, he should establish an independent investigative team.”
He lamented that civilians had been caught in the crossfire.
Thaha Alhamid, from the Papua Presidium Council, said the police deployed to secure Freeport had not been professional, credible nor consistent in the field.
“I believe they face psychological blocks in their duty so that they can’t bring this matter to an end yet.
“If so, an independent team should be set up.”

Norway's TGS-NOPEC launches 2D data program offshore West Papua

Norwegian seismic surveyor TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Co ASA has launched a 2D seismic acquisition program offshore West Papua province in Indonesia.

TGS said the program will add 2,240 km of new 2D data designed to help evaluate the petroleum potential south of the Salawati Basin, considered to be one of the largest oil basins in eastern Indonesia with total cumulative oil production exceeding 300 million bbl.

TGS said data acquisition is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2010.

TGS general manager for Asia Pacific, Rod Starr, said TGS expects the program to be the first of a series of 2D projects this year, conditional on further industry support.

Upon the completion of the program, the TGS Indonesia library will exceed 100,000 km of 2D seismic; 400,000 km of multi-beam bathymetric data and 1,200 core samples covering over 1 million sq km of Indonesia’s deep-water basins.

TGS said the program has industry pre-funding and that it supports the Indonesian government's objective to attract exploration and reverse declining production levels.

What’s your view of this development? Is there something happening in the Salawati Basin or is the Indonesian government just gathering information in the mere hope of finding something?
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Thursday, 28 January 2010

Papuan Council Recalls Former President Gus Dur

Thursday, 31 December, 2009 22:48 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Head of the council Thaha al Hamid said on Thursday (31/12) papuans will never forget the swift measure by Gus Dur in December 1999, in approving the use of the original term for their region, Papua, as the official name of province.

The measure replaced the name of Irian, Jaya given during Soeharto presidency, within only two months after the cleric assumed office which remained until now.

During his unfinished term he made two visits to the island in 1999 and 2000 and met with a senior papua leader Theys Hiyo Eluay jailed by the Indonesian authority during the second visit. “Even several times, when we had not visited him so often anymore, Gus Dur would asked and then we would come to visit him. So our contact was maintained even when was no longer holding the presidential post”

The last visit was in 2006 when Gud Dur was out of the office and in which Thaha said, Gus Dur made a plea to the governemnt to name Theys as a national hero.

His figure, Thaha went on, was too extraordinary for Papua and papuans. “We are not just losing a cleric, a former president, and a teacher, but actually we are losing a living scripture. A scripture that continuously giving advise.”


Jakarta-Papua talk still possible

Neles Tebay , Abepura, Papua
Sat, 01/02/2010 12:57 PM

Despite the killing of Kelly Kwalik by Indonesian Mobile Brigade Police on Dec.16, 2009, at Timika, the capital of Mimika regeny, Papua, the Indonesian government under the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Pa-puans have not yet shut down the window for dialogue.

A dialogue between Jakarta and Papua is important for both parties to jointly reach a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Papua conflict.

From the Papuans side, they have already demonstrated their commitment and willingness for a peaceful dialogue between Jakarta and Papua.

The world has witnessed that during and after the Kwalik's burial in Timika town, Papuans were able to calm themselves. They did not retaliate against the police. There was no atrocity initiated by the Papuans. The Papuans have rejected violent approaches, such as killing, for it will never settle the conflict. They have already chosen dialogue as a civilized way to reach a dignified solution to the Papua conflict.

The Papuans publicly announced they wanted to settle the Papua conflict through a civilized way, through a neutral third party, which will mediate the dialogue between Jakarta and Papua. Kwalik's assassination has even renewed and strengthened their commitment to dialogue, as clearly communicated in the speech of the chairperson of the Papuan Customary Council (DAP).

It is the belief of the Papuans that the Indonesian authority will not keep repeating its violent approach and therefore choose a civilized way, such as dialogue, to settle the Papua conflict. This belief is based on the fact that the government under the leadership of Yudhoyono has successfully settled the government's armed conflict with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), through a third party-mediated dialogue with the signing of Helsinki Agreement in August 2005.

Yudhoyono has been reelected for the second term of his presidency. Yudhoyono's reelection gives hope that the government under his leadership will handle the Papua conflict through dialogue with the Papuans, as was done in Aceh.

During his first term, Yudhoyono made several public statements announcing the government's commitment to settle the Papua conflict through dialogue.

However, the promised dialogue has not taken place. The Papuans understood well that the President was not able to initiate a dialogue with them because his political party, the Democratic Party, was new and small. Yudhoyono might have been reluctant to settle the Papuan conflict through dialogue because his political support in the House of Representatives was weak and his attention was focused on the implementation of the Helsinki Agreement in Aceh.

For the second term of his presidency, Yudhoyono has very strong political backing in the House. His political party won the April legislative elections and his party has formed coalition with some other big and influential parties. Therefore, there is less possibility for him to face resistance in the House.

Yudhoyono, at the same time as being the head of state and government, is also the Commander-In-Chief of the Indonesian army.

It is in the second term of his presidency, then, that it seems proper for him to settle the Papua conflict through dialogue as all of the country's power now at his disposal.

Yudhoyono's initiative for the dialogue between Jakarta and Papua will certainly be supported by the House, the government, and the Indonesian Military (TNI).

That's why the Papuans see that dialogue between Jakarta and Papua is still possible, particularly during Yudhoyono's presidency.

Once the Jakarta-based government engages in dialogue with the Papuans, and the Papua conflict is settled without bloodshed, then this peaceful settlement to the conflict would be the Yudhoyono's legacy.

The history of Indonesia will record and tell that he was the only Indonesian president who was able to settle peacefully and permanently, the Papua conflict through dialogue between Jakarta and Papua.

Not like in Aceh, where former vice president Jusuf Kalla was also involved, the peaceful settlement to the Papua conflict is and will be the Yudhoyono's work. It will be recognized his own idea.

A dialogue between Jakarta and Papua will really be considered as a manifestation of the Yudhoyono's genuineness and personal initiative.

As a result, he will be recognized internationally as a man of peace. It may even win him a Nobel Peace Price in the years to come.

It is needless to say that dialogue between Jakarta and Papua will certainly bring about a good reputation for the country of Indonesia before the eyes of international community. Therefore there is still hope and possibility for the present government to take the initiative for dialogue to settle the Papua conflict.

The writer is a lecturer at the Fajar Timur school of Philosophy and Theology in Abepura, Papua.

Joe Collins (not verified), Sydney — Sun, 01/03/2010 - 2:33am

Hopefully, President Yudhoyono will answer the call from the West Papuan people for dialogue and sit down with their representatives to peacefully discuss their concerns. But what a grand gesture it would be from him at the beginning of a new year to release all West Papuan political prisoners as a sign of good faith to the West Papuan people.

Markus Hagenauer — Sat, 01/02/2010 - 3:20pm

Yes, Papuans were able to calm themselves. But this was never the problem. In the past the security forces could not calm themselves and often used to shoot in a demonstrating crowd. Dialog was pomised by Yudhoyono once more. But nothing happened in the last month that makes this promise seem true. There was no dialog, papuan leaders were just imprisoned or even killed. Will Jakarta continue on this path, until no papuan leader is left for negotiations? And than they pick out some Papuans and force them by to agree to everything Jakarta wants, as they did in the "Act of free choice".

‘Govt ignores upholding human rights in Papua’

Irawaty Wardany , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta Wed, 01/20/2010 9:44 AM

The Human Rights Commission considers the government ignored upholding human rights in Papua in 2009.

Matius Murib from the commission’s Papuan branch said criminalization of Papuan civilians had escalated significantly, with security forces discrediting anyone suspected of being a member of a separatist group.

“The criminalization of people who hoisted [separatist] flags, the stoppage of peaceful demonstrations and the shooting of Free Papua Organization [OPM] leader Kelly Kwalik are a projection of how the government is reluctant to have a dialogue with the Papuans,” he said. Kelly, accused of masterminding a series of attacks on employees of US-based mining company PT Freeport Indonesia, was shot dead by police December last year during a raid on his house in Timika.

“We think Kelly’s death showed the government’s failure in settling conflict within a democratic framework in Papua,” he said.

Matius said human rights activists were closely watched and at times intimidated when investigating human rights abuses or meeting representatives of international organizations. He said the government preferred to use military and security approaches in dealing with Papuans, thereby violating the civilian rights of the people. The government never thought it had failed to provide Papuans with their basic rights, which might be the reason for their separatist demands.

“Data from the International Fransiscans in 2004 showed 80 percent of indigenous Papuans live under the poverty line, 36.1 percent do not have access to health facilities,” Matius said. Increasing exploitation of Papua’s natural resources worsened the situation, therefore, they had asked the government and regional administrations to give priority to Papuans. “Promises to improve welfare, uphold democracy and justice — Yudhoyono’s three main programs — should be enjoyed by the Papuans,” he said.

Papua Could Separate in the Next 10 Years

Monday, 25 January, 2010 12:51 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:The Peace Institute’s Board chairman, Ichsan Melik, said that in the next 10 years Indonesia will become susceptible to separatism. The area mostly at risk is Papua.

Ichsan said there are some sources of conflicts in this country that can lead to separatism, namely conservatism and radicalism, religion and ethnicity, sectarian and non-nationalist political parties, natural resources exploitation, and corruption.

“Papua is rife with has these sources of conflict,” Ichsan said in the Peace Facilitator’s First National Meeting today at the Clarion Hotel in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Also attending the event titled “Synergy of Movements for a Peaceful Indonesia” were South Sulawesi governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo who gave a keynote speech, Baku Mae Maluku Movement peace practitioners, and the Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla who was scheduled to attend the meeting had not confirmed his attendance. Other participants of the event came from throughout Indonesia and even Egypt.


WPAT and ETAN on Naming of Senior Kopassus Officer as Indonesia Military Commander in West Papua

Contact: Ed McWilliams, West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT), +1-401-568-5845;
John M. Miller, East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN), +1-718-596-7668;

The West Papua Advocacy Team and East Timor and Indonesia Action Network are extremely troubled by the naming of a senior Special Forces (Kopassus) officer as regional commander in West Papua. Kopassus forces have a long and dark history in the region.

The appointment of Major General Hotma Marbun to the Military Command for the Kodam-XVII Cenderawasih region comes as Papuans continue to seek a dialogue with the Jakarta Government and the demilitarization of their homeland. Their appeals have been resisted by a military that persists in describing Papuans seeking their rights as "separatists" and justifies attacks on peaceful demonstrators as necessary to defending Indonesia's territorial integrity.

The naming of any Kopassus officer in command of the region raises obvious human rights concerns. In addition, Major General Marbun has a personal record that underscores these concerns. As pointed out by the respected UK human rights organization Tapol, Marbun was involved in operations in Indonesia-occupied East Timor in 1983 and 1986, a particularly bloody period during the occupation. He also participated in military operations in West Papua in 1982 and 1994.

General Marbun takes command at a time of growing security force abuse in the region, as recently documented by Human Rights Watch. Indonesian human rights organizations including the Papuan branch of the Indonesian government's official Human Rights Commission (Komnas Ham) recently voiced public support for the withdrawal of military forces from West Papua to improve prospects for dialogue.

Kopassus actions in West Papua include "sweeping operations" purportedly in pursuit of "separatists" that in fact targeted highland Papuan villagers and the torture/murder of the leading Papuan political figure Theys Eluay. The deeply flawed Indonesian justice system notoriously has chronically failed to hold accountable Kopassus and other Indonesian security forces responsible for criminality and human rights violations.

For decades, the U.S. military provided training and other assistance to Kopassus notwithstanding its widely acknowledged abuses and criminal activity. Despite the demonstrated failure of international assistance to improve its behavior, the Obama administration is reportedly considering resuming such assistance, terminated under Congressional pressure more than a decade ago.

Papuans are increasingly marginalized in their homeland, as tensions grow between Papuans and migrants, and Papuan demands for an internationally mediated dialogue with Jakarta and for the demilitarization of West Papua go unanswered In this context, the appointment of a commander from the Indonesian military's hard line Kopassus is profoundly disturbing.

ETAN was formed in 1991 to advocate for self-determination for occupied East Timor. The U.S.-based organization continues to advocate for democracy, justice and human rights for Timor-Leste and Indonesia. For more information, see ETAN's web site: The West Papua Advocacy Team produces the monthly West Papua Report.


Support ETAN in 2010! To make a contribution go to Thank you for your support.

John M. Miller, National Coordinator

East Timor & Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)

PO Box 21873, Brooklyn, NY 11202-1873 USA

Phone: +1-718-596-7668 Mobile phone: +1-917-690-4391

Email Skype: john.m.miller

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OPM founder supports autonomy

Monday, January 25, 2010 18:48 WIB

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Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The founder of the separatist Free Papua Organization (OPM), Nicolaas Jouwe, here Monday declared his commitment to supporting development in Papua under the special autonomy law enacted by the central government.

"I and my associates are ready to work with the government to develop Papua province," Jouwe said here on Monday after a meeting with Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono.

But Jouwe who is a member of the supervisory council of the Independent Group Supporting Special Autonomy for Papua within the Republic of Indonesia (IGSSARPRI) also said the government should evaluate its special autonomy policy on Papua province.

"The government`s budget for the implementation of special autonomy in Papua province is quite large. It is hard to believe that the budget funds made available are not enough to develop Papua," Jouwe said in a written recommendation.

Jouwe who had for the past 40 years lived in the Netherlands said the government should strictly supervise the use of state budget funds allocated to Papua, and investigate those suspected of corrupting the money.

He also urged the government to widen the local people`s access to banks and medical services.

"What is also needed now is a meeting between the government and prominent Papua figures to discuss plans to develop Papua," he said. (*)

Indonesia Hunting Attackers in Mine Compound in Papua

2010-01-25 17:16:34 Xinhua Web Editor: Zhang Xu
Indonesian Minister for Politics, Law and Security Djoko Suyanto said on Monday that soldiers and police had pursued the gunmen, who launched fresh shooting attacks on employees of U.S. miner Freeport in Papua on Sunday wounding at least seven people, and would intensify patrol across the mine compound.

The Sunday's attack on two vehicles carrying workers of U.S. miner Freeport McMorant Cooper and Gold Inc's has followed a series of shooting attacks on the firm.

The minister said that the authorities would boost security on the mine by intensifying patrol and escorted on the convoys of vehicles carrying workers.

However, the Suyanto said that the condition of the field in the easternmost of Indonesia, Papua, with large and mountainous, had hampered authorities in upholding security.

"The condition of the fields there is very difficult for us (to chase) small groups with high mobility. But this does not mean that we give up. The pursue (on the Sunday's attackers ) has been carrying out," he told reporters at the State Palace here.

The minister admitted that the killing of commander of separatist Free Papua Movement (Organisasi papua Merdeka or OPM) Kelly Kwalik earlier this month did not weakened the group.

"Security disturbance still exist. We must be cautious on it," said Suyanto.

OPM has used both guerrilla and diplomatic ways to achieve its goal.

Freeport has been targeted by a series of shootings since July 2009 that have killed three people, including a 29 year-old Australian worker, a policeman and a guard and wounded more than 20 others.

Who’s the new scapegoat, asks Papuans

Nethy Dharma Somba and Markus Makur , The Jakarta Post , Jayapura/Timika
Tue, 01/26/2010 9:57 AM
The latest attack against mining firm PT Freeport Indonesia in Papua, weeks after the shooting death of separatist leader Kelly Kwalik, has left the authorities without the usual suspects to pin the blame on, local figures say.
On Sunday, a group of unidentified gunmen opened fire on a convoy of vehicles carrying company employees and security officers, injuring nine people, including a foreign employee and four Mobile Brigade police officers.

The latest incident disrupted a brief period of relative calm, following a series of attacks on the firm’s employees, which began in July last year and killed three people, including an Australian worker and a police officer. None of the gunmen have been arrested.
“[Sunday’s] shooting incident, which happened after Kelly Kwalik was killed, has made the attacks a mystery,” Papua Presidium Council secretary-general Taha Al Hamid told The Jakarta Post in Jayapura on Monday.
“[The public is now wondering] who the real perpetrators are, since clearly Kelly has nothing to do with this latest ambush.”

Taha called on the Cendrawasih Military commander and the Papua Police chief should unmask the real gunmen and end the speculation.

“What we don’t need is a new scapegoat to take the fall for the Freeport shootings,” he said.
“Kelly was the scapegoat before, and the attacks have continued, so let’s not be quick to point the

Taha also urged the police and the government to set up an independent investigation team for

the case.

“Let’s bring the case to light, since it’s important to maintain foreign investors’ trust in Indonesia,”

Taha said.

Papua Tribal Council chief Forkorus Yoboisembut also called on the authorities to refrain from blaming any particular group for the latest shooting, urging instead a withdrawal of all armed security personnel from the area.
“Once they’re gone, let’s see if there are any more shooting incidents,” he said.

“That way we can find the real perpetrators. If they turn out to be Papuans, then we need to find out where they got the weapons.”

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Agus Rianto claimed the authorities had never actually blamed Kelly for the shooting incidents along the road to Freeport’s giant Grasberg mine between July and September last year.
Kelly was shot dead by police after reportedly resisting arrest.
He was wanted for his role in a kidnapping in Mapunduma in 1996 and a 2002 attack on Freeport employees’ bus.
Agus said the police still had no leads on the attackers in the latest case, but would continue investigating.
“These armed criminals know the terrain and can survive in the jungle, and have thus evaded capture,” he said.
He added the scene of Sunday’s shooting had yielded up several casings believed to have come from rifle rounds.
“At this point we can’t say whether these bullets were the ones fired at the bus.”
“We’re still looking into it.”
Following the incident, an extra 1,500 police and military personnel have been deployed around the Grasberg mine.
Hundreds of Freeport employees, forced to stay in Timika on Sunday, were back at work Monday.

Freeport spokesman Mindo Pangaribuan told the Post previously that workers would continue to be bused to the mine once the authorities had declared the conditions safe enough.
“The safety and security of our workers and their families are our priorities.”

Papua Traditional Council Wants Police Withdrawn

Tuesday, 26 January, 2010
15:40 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jayapura:Linked to terror acts that often happen around the mining area of PT Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura, Mimika Regency, the Papua Traditional Council and the Papua Presidium Board have called for the withdrawal of members of the Indonesian military (TNI) and the police assigned to secure the mining area.

“Kelly Kwalik was previously held responsible. But now after his death, why are there still shootings?” asked the Papua Traditional Council chief, Forkorus Yoboisembut, who also demanded that the case be investigated until the perpetrator is caught.

Police hunt Papua shooters

Last Updated: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:19:00 +1100

Indonesian police are hunting gunmen responsible for a shooting near the Freeport mine in Indonesia's majority-Melanesian Papua province.

Nine people were injured in the attack -- the latest in a series of violent incidents near the mine.

Authorities are blaming independence fighters, and police had hoped the death of Papuan rebel leader Kelly Kwalik last month would improve security in the area.

But observer Peter King, convenor of the West Papua Project at Sydney University, told Radio Australia's Pacifc Beat program, it's not independence fightlers like the OPM that are responsible for the violence, but rather the police and military who he says are engaged in a turf war to provide security for the mine.

"The evdience is simply that the OPM has never had the military capacity which has been shown by these ambush attacks," he said.

"It's also clear that the arrests that have been made of Papuans have done nothing to stop the attacks. Without trouble in West Papua, the military has difficulty to justify the large presence that it does have with thousands of troops on the ground."
Attempts by Pacific Beat to contact Indonesian police and military for comment were unsuccessful.

Papuans rally to gain international support

Markus Makur , The Jakarta Post , Timika
Thu, 01/28/2010 10:09 AM
The Archipelago

Freedom is ours: A protester holds a poster that reads “Indonesia, be honest in recognizing the freedom of our West Papuan nation” during a rally demanding a referendum in Timika, Papua, on Wednesday. JP/Markus Makur

Around 1,500 Papuans in Mimika staged a rally Wednesday to support the registration of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua and the International Lawyers for West Papua at the European Union in Brussels the same day.

Rally coordinator Mario Pigei of the West Papua National Committee said his organization had been entrusted by the international committee to serve as a domestic coordinator for the movement.

The rally, which started at the Kemah Injili church and ended at the regency legislative council, aimed to gain support for its agenda from West Papuans.

“The international committee calls on the whole components of West Papua from Sorong to Samarai to be serious and to take part in the movement by showing support to the agenda,” said Mario, reading out a written statement during the rally.

“The agenda is very valuable for the identity of Papuans.”

In their speeches, rally participants demanded a referendum to decide the political status of Papua, arguing that the 1969 poll, known as Pepera, was not in line with the international law. They urged the United Nations to review the poll.

”Papuans are always accused of separatism. Many of us have been killed in the name of separatism,” Mario said.

He urged the European countries that provided funds for the implementation of special autonomy in Papua to stop disbursing the money, claiming 60 percent of the fund had been spent on military operations.

“Through the national committee for West Papua, Papuans urge the United Nations Security Council to unveil human rights violations in Papua committed during the military operations.”

He added that Papuans demanded a dialogue with the international community because they considered Indonesia to have failed to address basic problems in Papua.
“Human rights violations continue being committed in Papua with the killings of Papuan figures including Kelly Kwalik,” Mario said, referring to the leader of Free Papua Movement (OPM).
“The Indonesian government has to take responsibility for his death.”

He called on the Papuan police and military to withdraw their troops from the region and urged the international peace force to reveal those responsible for the latest shooting incident at mining firm PT Freeport Indonesia on Sunday, insisting the incident had not been committed by OPM.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

About One Thousand Papuans Support the Establishment of Lawyer International

About One Thousand Papuans Support the Establishment of Lawyer International
Wednesday, 27 January, 2010 | 14:31 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Timika:About one thousand Papua residents, on Wednesday (27/1), marched to the Mimika Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) courtyard and held prayers there.

The rally was carried out to support the launch of International Lawyer for West Papua (ILWP) and International Parliamentarian for West Papua (IPWP) in Brussels, Belgium.

Before the praying, the residents, through a spokesperson, expressed their gratitude over the political measure and support of international groups.
A big white banner held by the residents said “We West Papuans Fully Support ILWP and IPWP registration at the European Union, Brussels, Belgium,”

Father Melkias, before his sermon, questioned the situation faced by Papuans
“Papuans whose hearts deceive them are not Papuans. Papuans should line up,” said Melkias.


Thursday, 21 January 2010

Fears for more tension in Mimika after killing of Papua’s Kwalik

Posted at 05:27 on 21 January, 2010 UTC
A Papua analyst says increasing militarisation of Indonesia’s Mimika district and recent actions by police are incendiary for local Papuans aggrieved by the killing of separatist leader Kelly Kwalik.
The senior Free Papua Movement leader was shot dead by police in a raid in Timika town last month, prompting anger among many Papuans, especially the local Amungme tribe.
There’s been a steady increase in the presence of security forces in the Timika area since a series of deadly shootings of staff from the nearby Freeport gold and copper mine last July.
The convener of Sydney University’s West Papua Project, Jim Elmslie, says there is a high potential for turmoil.
“Certainly amongst the Amungme population and the West Papuans, they’re still incredibly sad and angry about the killing of Kwalik. And I noticed this week that fifty policemen were given commendations on their behaviour, or over the Kwalik killing, so that’s really spitting in the face of the Papuans. More troops, more police, it increases the tension in the whole region.”
Jim Elmslie
News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Letters: Why are Papuans still struggling?

Wed, 01/20/2010 11:19 AM
Reader's Forum

This is a response to the letter “Kelly Kwalik’s death” (the Post, Jan 14, p. 8). Does B.J.K. Cramer of Rotterdam really believe that the West Papuan people are still listening to (to use his words) “misinformation and false promises from vengeful Dutch colonial types”?

Maybe the question he should be asking is, why is it that after 46 years of administration of West Papua by Indonesia, the West Papuan people are still struggling for justice?

Maybe it’s because the West Papuan people can see with their own eyes the human rights abuses they suffer, how they live in one of the most resource-rich areas of the world but are one of the poorest people in it, including having some of the lowest health standards.

Although the UN might have accepted the Act of Free Choice in 1969, to say the UN accepted it as a legitimate expression of the will of people of Irian is a bit of a stretch.

Only 1,022 handpicked voters, one representative for every 700 West Papuans, were allowed vote; and under coercion, voted to remain with Indonesia.

A UN official, a retired under-secretary-general, who handled the takeover said a few years ago, “Nobody gave a thought to the fact that there were a million people who had their fundamental human rights trampled,” and “It was just a whitewash. The mood at the United Nations was to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible.”

B.J.K. Cramer does not mention the exploitation of West Papua’s resources – the threat to one of the great tracts of undisturbed rainforest in the Asia-Pacific region by illegal logging and palm oil plantations.

He does not mention the numerous reports that documents human rights abuses in West Papua, including the one by the special representative of the UN secretary-general on the situation of human rights defenders, Hina Jilani, who said in her report, “A climate of fear undeniably prevails in West Papua.”

Jilani conducted an official mission to Indonesia from June 5-12, 2007.

He does not mention the West Papuan political prisoners thrown in jail for raising their national flag, or the fact that several books on the issue of West Papua were recently banned.

Is Indonesia’s democracy so fragile that it cannot allow the raising of the West Papuan flag and books on the issue of West Papua? The banning of freedom of expression is contrary to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It’s time to listen to what the West Papuans are asking for, and that is simply for dialogue with Jakarta to try and solve the many concerns they have.

Joe Collins


Comments (2)
Post comment A

Markus Hagenauer — Wed, 01/20/2010 - 2:16pm

I absolutely agree with Mr. Collins letter. And what does the government do to change the situation? The promise to build roads and hospitals. Despite most promises made in the past years never came true, why does Jakarta belive, this will solve the problem. Of course infrastructure is necessary too, but it can not replace freedom. Thats like saying: "We will continue to kidnap and torture you, but you can walk home afterwards on a greatly enlarged road afterwards. We will continue to rape you, but if you become pregnant, you can give birth in a hospital." So, if Jakarta does not completely change its strategy, i can not see an end of the struggle befor Papua is independent or - perish the thought - all Papuan are killed.

All4ywh — Wed, 01/20/2010 - 12:53pm

"Is Indonesia's democracy so fragile that it cannot allow the raising of the West Papuan flag and books on the issue of West Papua?" YES


Tuesday, 19 January 2010

West Papua: End the suffering of our people through dialogue

Pacific Press Release – IYCL_WP
The world community knows that West Papua is under controlled by one of most repressive and brutal military regime. However, the occupation forces have not yet able to destroy our spirits and will power of the struggle for independence of West Papua.
End The Suffering Of Our People Through Peaceful Dialogue

Port Vila, 4th January 2010
Peace Greeting and Happy New Year 2010
We appreciate to all freedom fighters and supporters wherever you are for your contribution to struggle for independence of the people of West Papua
We thank you our lord for your kindness and protection so that we are still survive and under your guide we will continue our just struggle in the new year of 2010.
The world community knows that West Papua is under controlled by one of most repressive and brutal military regime. However, the occupation forces have not yet able to destroy our spirits and will power of the struggle for independence of West Papua.
2.5 million Papuans, Melanesian race have faced worst experiences ever since the colonial power occupied our beloved country, West Papua.
The world knows that the criminal acts and cruelties of the Indonesian colonial power. More than 100,000 West Papuan civilians and many Westerners have been killed by Indonesian military. These cruelties have completely against humanity. We condemn such crimes against humanity. The occupation forces must take full responsibility for their crimes.
Dear fellow countrymen and women, the scarifications and suffering of our people of West Papua on daily basis becomes public knowledge making our heard and soul painful when these immorality acts of the terrorist state of the republic of Indonesia imposed on us on the daily life.
Spirits of patriotism in the struggle for justice, peace and freedom has broken down through extra judicial killings of true freedom fighters perpetrated by the occupation forces.
However, we must take strong in faith to achieve our independent dream. In the fact, well-respected national hero, the late General Kelly Kwalik, the Highest Supreme Commander of National Liberation Army of West Papua, was killed by Indonesian military on 16 of December 2009 during doing his duty.
The murder of General Kwalik is violation against the ethic code of human rights. It was one of the ways of colonial to destroy the great ideal of national liberation for West Papua. We are strongly believe that even though one General Kwalik had been killed but on his chest will grow up thousands of Kwalik who will continue his path in the struggle. His name will be remembered in history of West Papuan and will be making fragrant in the future.
We are well aware that any one who talks about independence of West Papua becomes obvious target of gun of the occupation forces, which regard to be main enemy terrorist state of Indonesia.
The use of violate will never solve the current problem in West Papua. Using non-violation approach, Papuans can defeat the colonial power.
The rights to self-determination are principally the basic rights of the Papuans. The Papuans should also enjoy that right as other peoples around the world do.
Meanwhile a successful independence indeed no needs a bloody war but through peaceful means such ideal may come through. An independent West Papua must respect and uphold basic democratic principles and human rights values in accordance with international human rights laws, United Nations charters, and other United Nation resolutions and conventions.
Let shows the world that settlement of the long-standing conflict should be done just, peacefully, consciously and prosperously manners.
On behalf of International Youth Coalition for the Liberation of West Papua, the leadership has given full support to the West Papuan and Indonesian peace initiatives. We strongly believe that of being endorsed a peaceful negotiation is one of right ways in settling long ongoing conflict in West Papua.
Jakarta- Papua dialogue in West Papua is a new paradigm of conflict resolution in the global political dynamic which was proclaimed by religious leaders with granted a motto “West Papua is land of Peace”.
Dear All freedom fighter. The world is full aware the Papuans have passed a long period struggle and sacrificed million of souls of innocent West Papuans. Our natural resources spoiled out by the colonial states and it was causing massive environmental destructions in the beloved homeland. Therefore, we can never stop waiting an independence coming suddenly without working hard from ourselves.
Independence is not a gift that just gave by somebody or other nations but there needs at lot energy and effort of each person of West Papuan to achieve what we want. The independence is from us, by us, and to us, not like from them, by them, and to them.
This opportunity, on behalf of International Youth Coalition for the Liberation of West Papua, the leadership urge all components for resistant movements wherever you are working together and uniting to endorse and supporting a national independence initiatives that promoted by West Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPCNL), which is a main umbrella organization that was established under Vanuatu government endorsement two years ago.
At the end of this message, let me take this opportunity to urge you all, West Papuan people and supporters that:
1. Let’s us support the whole process of peaceful process of Jakarta-Papua Dialogue, which sponsored by West Papuan and Indonesian peace promoters.
2. Let’s us support all policies and programs of West Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPCNL) by providing moral, material and financial aid.
3. Let’s us support internal reconciliation meeting for all leaders of political factions within national liberation movement of West Papua in the middle of this year, which will be coordinated by WPNCL and its partners.
Only through uniting together, well cooperation and working hard, Papuan dream may come through the following years.
God Bless our independence struggle

President of Executive Body of International Youth Coalition for Liberation of West Papua (IYCL_WP)
Amatus Douw



Investing in the Future of Papua and West Papua: Infrastructure for Sustainable Development

 Full_Report (pdf* format - 4.2 Mbytes)

The Province of Papua of the Republic of Indonesia was provided Special Autonomy under Law 21/2001 in recognition of the fact that "the management and use of the natural wealth of Tanah Papua has not yet been optimally utilized to enhance the living standard of the natives, causing a deep gap between the Papua Province and the other regions, and violations of the basic rights of the Papuan people" . The goal of Special Autonomy was to help Papua and Papuans catch up to the rest of Indonesia in terms of living standards and opportunities.
Yet, now almost a decade later – after the split into two provinces, Papua and West Papua, and extraordinary growth in financial resources available to the provincial and kabupaten/kota governments – progress toward this goal has been slow. In recognition of this, the Indonesian central government issued Presidential Instruction 5/2007 (Inpres 5/2007) on the Acceleration of Development of Papua and West Papua instructing all relevant technical ministries to devote special attention to the two provinces and to coordinate their programs with the governors of both provinces.
The aim of this report is (i) to lay out the challenges that face infrastructure planners and implementers in the Central, Provincial and Kabupaten/Kota governments in a clear manner and (ii) provide those planners and implementers with recommendations – based on the best information available – on how to mitigate the effects of these challenges.
The authors of this report do not aim to set out a master plan for the development of Papua and West Papua – that must be done by the Papuans and West Papuans themselves (with donor assistance as needed). This report does, however, provide what the authors hope is useful guidance on the principles that such development must adhere to if it is to be economically, environmentally, culturally and physically sustainable.
This report is the result of numerous missions undertaken between November 2008 and August 2009 to interview stakeholders, collect data and present preliminary findings and was entirely funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) through their Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII).
In Jakarta:
Randy Salim
(62-21) 5299-3259
In Washington DC:
Mohamad Al-Arief
(1-202) 458-5964


Free Papua Movement appoints new military commander

Posted at 08:15 on 19 January, 2010 UTC
The Free Papua Movement, or the OPM, has approved the appointment of a new Supreme Commander of its military wing to replace the late Kelly Kwalik.
Jeck Kemong has been appointed head of the West Papuan National Liberation Army, or the TPN, and will also take over the regional command of Nemang Kawi.
Kelly Kwalik, who was a popular Papuan separatist leader for almost four decades, was shot in a police raid in Timika in the Indonesia’s Papua region last month, having evaded security forces for years.
The West Papua National Coalition for Liberation, which includes the OPM, has released a statement confirming the appointment of General Kemong to take over from Kelly Kwalik who it says left behind him various revolutionary duties which must be completed in a short period of time.
In recent years the poorly-armed OPM has focused on pushing for dialogue and other peaceful forms of resolving the Papuan bid for self-determination.
News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Regional conflicts defy optimism about 2010

January 15, 2010
It is usual to look forward to a new year with a degree of hope and optimism but, so far as much of Australia's region is concerned, there is little chance for that. Given the conflicts that continue at varying levels of intensity in our part of the world, 2010 will probably go down in the history books as a year of missed opportunities.
For each of the conflicts in the region, a solution has been identified, if rarely taken up or meaningfully so. There is widespread agreement about how to settle many regional conflicts, but a distinct lack of political will to do so.
The separatist Islamic war in the southern Philippines is, at one level, perhaps the simplest to resolve. This is because both main parties to the conflict have agreed on the basic terms and conditions for a sustainable peace.
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) reached a Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain with the Government of the Philippines in 2008, which identified the area that was legitimately claimed by the MILF. It was the first half of an overall peace agreement that would see the Islamic "Bangsmoro" region of the southern island of Mindanao become an autonomous province.
However, legislators in Manila immediately refused to accept the agreement and claimed it required a variation of the constitution. When unpopular President Gloria Arroyo agreed to constitutional change the legislators then argued, with some legitimacy, that she would use the opening up of the constitution to give herself a third, currently unconstitutional, term as president.
The war in Mindanao was then resumed with full ferocity, with neither the Government nor the MILF making meaningful gains but, predictably, local people suffering.
Similarly, in Sri Lanka, whenever there has been a glimmer of hope of a resolution to that country's Tamil separatist claims, the Government has been undermined for it by whoever happens to be in opposition. With the military aspect of that conflict over, at least for the time being, the political contest in Colombo is between the current president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and the recently resigned chief of the armed forces, Sarath Fonseca.
Both will now contest the presidential elections later this month on a triumphalist platform of who was most responsible for defeating the Tamil Tigers. Neither have expressed interest in taking the opportunity of the end of military hostilities to find a political solution to the Tamils continuing grievances.
To suggest that a military victory over the Tamil Tigers spells the end of conflict with Sri Lanka's population ignores the more than two decades of prior conflict that brought the Tamil Tigers into existence. The current "peace", then, is just the end of one phase of a longer and deeper problem.
Thailand's four southern provinces continue to struggle under the burden of being Muslim Malay speakers in an officially Buddhist Thai-speaking state. This accident of arbitrary colonial division is able to be resolved through recognition of the region's special status.
However, when Thailand's two dominant political groupings are not fighting with each other, or otherwise dismantling their latest incarnation of temporary democracy, they are deeply reluctant to recognise the south as anything but Thai, despite the fact that it is linguistically, culturally, religiously and historically Malay.
Indonesia's eastern-most province(s) of West Papua remains troubled, with numerous recent political arrests, the continued use of torture and, not least, the killing on December of separatist leader Kelly Kwalik. Kwalik had already arranged with the police to live peacefully while the umbrella West Papua Coalition for National Liberation (WPNCL) attempted to engage the Indonesian Government in dialogue. Others, notably in the Indonesian army (TNI), saw their own interests in seeing Kwalik dead and thus keeping alive the low-level conflict.
It was hoped that when Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was elected for a second term in 2009 he would take the opportunity to fulfil the second half of his 2004 election promise of bringing peace to Aceh and West Papua. However, Yudhoyono has been beset by opponents, both within the legislature and in the TNI, either setting up circumstances that have been claimed as a cover-up for fraud, or calling for his impeachment for such a cover-up.
Yudhoyono is struggling to keep his head above political water, so taking on a task as divisive among Indonesia's economically self-interest elites as finding an equitable solution to the West Papua problem might be just enough to push him under. Regardless of the willingness of the WPNCL to find a middle way and Yudhoyono's in-principle agreement, he has his hands full just surviving.
It is not at all certain that Yudhoyono will find the clear political space, much less the cohesive authority, to embark on a dialogue for resolution of the West Papua problem in his remaining term in office, much less the coming year.
More hopefully, when his political capital was high, Yudhoyono's strong support for a compromise resolution to the separatist war in Aceh is seeing that now autonomous province enter its fifth year of relative peace. There have been some troubling incidents in Aceh since the 2005 peace agreement, but these have been relatively minor compared with other post-conflict environments.
Aceh's increasingly liberal democracy continues not only to hold but to flourish. This is despite occasional attacks against ruling Aceh Party leaders and three shooting attacks against foreigners in 2009, the most recent in November involving the wounding of two Europeans and an American.
One view is that "rogue elements" in the TNI want to push out Aceh's foreign presence so they can return to running Aceh as a corrupt economic fiefdom. Another view is that the claim of "rogue elements" disguises the still deeply corrupt and often brutal character of the TNI, which has been deeply reluctant to undertake any one of a number of serious reforms, including divesting itself of private "business" interests.
Perhaps most positively, if a little surprisingly given the events of 2006-7, East Timor continues to stabilise and, relative to its past, prosper. There is no doubt that East Timor continues to face a series of daunting problems, from illiteracy to poverty to still globally high infant mortality rates.
But its human development indicators are all trending up, the violence of 2006-7 appears gone, the potentially dissident or troublesome groups that existed in internal refugee camps, among ex-soldiers and former guerillas have now been settled, not least with the liberal application of cash that has flowed from an unexpected spike in oil prices. East Timor even has a pension scheme, if a modest one, for the aged, which makes it a happy rarity among developing countries.
East Timor has problems with the distribution of its economic development outside Dili, so this year the Government will embark on the decentralisation of government administration and spending. Each locally elected district government will have a high degree of discretion over spending, ensuring that the country's useful if still somewhat modest funds are spent where most people will actually benefit from them.
Having elected district governments, too, will increase East Timor's democratic credentials, making local decision makers more directly accountable. The East Timorese Government sees political and economic decentralisation as a way of giving power back to its people, in turn reducing the potential for unrest. A number of other regional governments would do well to learn from East Timor's example.
Professor Damien Kingsbury holds a personal chair in the School of International and Political Studies at Deakin University. 

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Chapter of West Papua lobby group launched in Papua New Guinea parliament

By BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific
Nov 18, 2009, 19:36

BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific

November 17, 2009

Chapter of West Papua lobby group launched in Papua New Guinea

Text of report by Papua New Guinea Post-Courier website on 17 November
[By Harlyne Joku]

A West Papuan independence leader in the United
Kingdom, Benny Wenda, has described 2009 as a vital year for the
indigenous people of West Papua. Mr Wenda, the chairperson of the
Koteka Tribal Assembly based in UK, said it is 40 years since the
former Indonesian President Suharto announced the result of the "so-
called Act of Free Choice".

"The claim is outrageous and totally false that 100 per cent of West
Papuans wanted to be annexed by Indonesia. Forty years ago all UN
members including UK recognized our right to self-determination, but
until now we have never been allowed to exercise our right freely and

"We did not want to become Indonesian in 1969 and after so many years
of Indonesian oppression; we certainly do not want to be Indonesia
now. We want to be free," he said.

Mr Wenda said that is why West Papua so desperately needs friends from
around the world. He said as an important step forward in
international solidarity Andrew Smith MP and Lord Harries of the UK
parliament launched the International Parliamentarians for West Papua
(IPWP) in October last year.

"We are immensely grateful for the messages of support we received
from parliamentarians from every corner of the world and political
parties in UK," Mr Wenda said.

Last week in Port Moresby NCD [National Capital District] Governor
Powes Parkop convened and launched the PNG Charter of the IPWP, saying
that West Papua's Melanesian brothers and sisters in PNG cannot remain
silent on the issue any more.

Mr Parkop said although the PNG government policy on West Papua is
that it is an integral issue for Indonesia, PNG leaders like him feel
that it is against their conscience to remain silent any longer.

Another MP who signed the charter at a press conference at parliament
last Thursday [12 November[, Mr Jamie Maxtone Graham, said PNG leaders
including Mr Parkop and himself will "shine the spotlight" in the
international forum on the West Papua issue, especially in relation to
Indonesian's military response with brutal force by killing, torturing
and imprisoning peaceful Papuan activists.

Mr Graham showed photos of these atrocities sent last month on e-mail
to the media.

The Indonesian embassy was contacted for comment last Thursday, but an
officer there said most of the senior officials including the
Indonesian Ambassador Bom Surijantoe were out of Port Moresby,
organizing a repatriation of some hundreds of West Papuans who had
agreed to return back to their home provinces.

Invite to the launch in the EP of IPWP

Dear all our supporters,
We are very pleased to be able to invite you to the European Parliament Launch
of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua on 26th January 2010 in
Brussels. The event will be held in the member's salon from 18.30 – 20.00 and
will feature speakers from Papua New Guinea, West Papua and the International
Lawyers for West Papua. The speeches will be followed by traditional West
Papuan dance performed by the dance group Mambesak and there will be a chance
to meet and network with each other, food and drink will be available. If you would like to attend please let us know no later than 15th January with
your full name, date of birth and city/town residence.

This will be an exciting and historic night on the road to freedom and justice
in West Papua. We hope as many of you can make it as possible. Please also
write to your MEP encouraging them to attend.

Best wishes

The Free West Papua Campaign.
The speakers on the night will be:
Caroline Lucas MEP – long term supporter of the West Papuan's campaign for
Rev Socratez Sofyan Yoman is chairman of the Alliance of Baptist Churches in
West Papua. In the past eight years, Rev Socratez has taken an increasingly
high profile as a campaigner for peace, justice and human rights in West Papua.
He has briefed Australian, British and European parliamentarians as well as
United Nations representatives about West Papua. He has written five books
about West Papua, including 'Papuans Are Not Separatists' and 'Gate to Free

Powes Parkop - governor of the National Capital District in Papua New Guinea
He has been the most vocal long term
supporter of the West Papuan cause in PNG.
Melinda Janki – Co-director of the International Lawyers for West Papua.
Melinda has done extensive research into the legality of the 1969 Act of Free
Benny Wenda - Papuan leader living in exile in the UK and founder of the Free
West Papua Campaign

Three Books on Papua to be Banned

Wednesday, 06 January, 2010
16:51 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:The government still thinks it is necessary to ban books considered dangerous to the nation’s unity. Certain books could form the wrong collective conscious and trigger a separatist time bomb Source

“We do not want to see Indonesia separated,” said the Head of Research and Development of the Justice and Human Rights Department Hafid Abbas in his office yesterday.

He deemed that separatists know the hardship of armed resistance so they chose to do their campaign through publications.

Before forbidding its distribution, the government will produce a comparable publication.

Separatist issues dominate 20 books evaluated by the Research Body.

Among the books to be banned are The Indigenous World 2009 published by the International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs, edited by Kathrin Wissendrof.

The book was launched at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA, in May 2009.

The second book, published by the Watch Papua and the Galang Press, Hak Asasi Masyarakat Adat: UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, was authored by Sem Karoba. Sem translated United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People.

The third book, published by the Galang Press, Jeritan Bangsa: Rakyat Papua Barat Mencari Keadilan (A Nation’s Plea: West Papua People Looking for Justice), authored by Sendius Wonda. The book is considered to be a potential trigger for separatist acts.

The Head of the Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation Patra M. Zein said that the Justice and Human Rights Department was still unable to pick its priorities.

“This shows that the Justice and Human Rights Department cannot sort its priorities yet,” he said in his office yesterday.

Rather than banning books, the Department could prioritize other programs.

Titis Setianingtyas

Letters: Kelly Kwalik’s death

Thu, 01/14/2010 9:49 AM
Reader's Forum

The death of Kelly Kwalik on Dec. 16 was tragic and unnecessary, as Kelly should have listened to veteran Papuan separatist leader Nicholas Jouwe who said on his first visit back to Indonesia after more than 40 years in exile in March 2009 that the war for an independent Papua was over.

The late Kwalik was the reputed leader of the armed wing of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), co-founded by Jouwe. While Jouwe lived for most of his live in self-imposed exile in the Netherlands, Kwalik lived by the gun on the run, suspected of shootings, killings and kidnappings in the name of the OPM.

But in March last year Jouwe called for dialogue between the Papuan separatist (secessionist) movement and the Indonesian authorities, and sought compromise as neighbors instead of continuing the fight for independence, which albeit no more than a low-intensity insurgency has inflicted personal pain and hardship on civilians as well as on the families of slain security personnel and of the so-called freedom fighters.

However, equally tragic is that the 85-year-old Jouwe, as a young man listened to the misinformation and false promises from vengeful Dutch colonial types who had never forgiven the great majority of the Indonesian people who chose to follow the lead of nationalist leaders such as Sukarno, Hatta and Sjahrir, declaring independence from the Netherlands on Aug. 17, 1945, and the Republic of Indonesia as the successor state to all the territories of the former Dutch East Indies, which have always included the western part of the island of New Guinea.

All the provinces were ruled centrally from the then colonial capital Batavia (Jakarta), and it was to “Dutch New Guinea” where the leaders of the Indonesian independence movement were exiled, imprisoned at Boven Digoel. But reactionary Dutch colonial types responded to the declaration of independence by fomenting secessionist movements in the regions in a failed attempt to partition Indonesia.

After the Dutch government finally recognized Indonesian independence in 1949 under pressure from the UN and the international community, and transferred the authority formally to the new independent state, it also took the unilateral step of not transferring the territory of Dutch New Guinea to the RI pending further negotiations, just as the secessionist movement of the South Maluku Republic (RMS) was in its last throes of resistance.

Ten years later the then Dutch government decided for reasons best known to itself to make one last stand in the colonial fight and go to war with Indonesia again over the ownership of the western part of New Guinea, as it refused to accede to the legitimate demands from the Indonesian government to negotiate the terms of transfer of the territory. But again under the pressure of the UN and the international community the Dutch government had to accept that the RI was the legitimate successor authority according to the principles of uti posseditis juri.

But those same old vengeful Dutch colonials told Jouwe and other Papuan leaders to fight on for secession instead, under false promises of help, and while the execution of the Act of Free Will in 1969 was not perfect, the UN recognized it as the legitimate expression of the will of people of Irian, as the western half of New Guinea was called then, to continue as part of the RI.

However, the OPM continued with its low-intensity insurgency that attracted more support from non-Indonesians abroad for a variety of reasons than at home, but without getting one step closer to its aim of secession. After the end of the New Order regime and with the democratization of the RI and the provinces of Papua and West Papua gaining special autonomy under the reform process, the raison d’être for the OPM was gone.

Now Jouwe in the Netherlands has taken the courageous step, following the earlier lead of the RMS movement in exile that made a similar step, by declaring that the war for secession was over and that instead any differences should be settled by peaceful means.

B.J.K. Cramer

Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Temuan Prof Drooglever: Pepera 1969, Satu ”Manipulasi Sejarah”

Temuan Prof Drooglever: Pepera 1969, Satu ”Manipulasi Sejarah”
By Dr. Phill Erari
Nov 22, 2005, 03:40

JAKARTA—Penentuan pendapat rakyat (Pepera) 1969 suatu “manipulasi sejarah”. Demikian kesimpulan Prof P.J. Drooglever dalam Seminar “Act of Free Choice”, di Den Haag, 15 November 2005, dengan membedah buku berjudul “Daad van Vrije Keuze, de Papuans van Westelijk Nieuw Guinea, en de grenzen van het Zelfbeschichtings recht” (tindakan bebas memilih dari orang Papua di Nieuw Guinea Barat, dan batas-batas penentuan nasib sendiri).

Karya ilmiah setebal 700 halaman dengan 14 bab itu dimulai tahun 1999 atas perintah Menlu Jozias van Aartsen, yang diamanatkan pula oleh parlemen Belanda. Penugasan kepada sang profesor sejarah itu tidak lepas dari suatu gerakan politik Belanda, terutama yang dimotori oleh Partai Gereformeed Politiek Verbond atau Christen Unie.

Gerakan politik tadi mendapat angin segar setelah Gus Dur berkunjung ke Belanda pada Februari 2000. Gus Dur sebagai Presiden, dengan wawasan politik yang luas dan demokratis, telah mengubah paradigma Jakarta yang cenderung tertutup terhadap aspirasi rakyat Papua. Nama Papua dikembalikan kepada rakyat, bahkan mengizinkan pengibaran bendera Bintang Kejora sebagai lambang budaya dan identitas orang Papua, bukan sebagai bendera nasional.
Sikap Gus Dur tadi tentu tidak disambut baik oleh hardliners di Jakarta, di antaranya Wakil Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri yang merasa Gus Dur telah mengkhianati perjuangan Bung Karno, yang telah memberi nama Irian kepada tanah dan bangsa yang tinggal di bekas koloni Belanda, Nederlands Nieuw Guinea.

Dua Konteks
Dua konteks yang mendorong penelitian itu dilakukan adalah, pertama karena Kongres II Rakyat Papua, Mei 1999 mendesak perlunya pelurusan sejarah, karena rakyat Papua merasa jalan sejarahnya menuju kemerdekaan sebagai suatu bangsa, telah dibelokkan oleh kepentingan politik Jakarta. Kedua, tampilnya Gus Dur sebagai pemimpin Indonesia yang lebih demokratis.

Drooglever menyebut Sekjen PBB waktu itu, U Thant, dalam laporan akhirnya kepada Majelis Umum PBB, tidak punya pilihan lain kecuali menyimpulkan Pepera 1969 itu adalah suatu penentuan pendapat rakyat. Dijelaskan sebetulnya dalam Perjanjian New York 15 Agustus 1962 diputuskan suatu proses plebisit, tapi belakangan diubah menjadi the act of free choice, yakni hak untuk menentukan nasib Papua. Masalahnya ialah Ortiz Sans, yang ditugaskan PBB sebagai pengawas Pepera, meragukan the act of free choice atau Pepera itu bisa dilakukan oleh penguasa Indonesia. Artinya, apakah benar-benar sesuai dengan azas yang diakui oleh dunia internasional. Ortis Sans menyatakan proses itu bukan suatu act of free choice. Jadi dia mengambil jarak terhadap apa yang terjadi di Papua, dan sikap itu juga diambil oleh Sekjen PBB U Thant. Ini berarti pula ada keberatan yang serius dari masyarakat internasional. Drooglever menyusun bukunya berdasarkan penelitian di Belanda, PBB, arsip nasional Amerika Serikat, narasumber, para saksi sejarah dari Papua, Belanda dan saksi sejarah lainnya. Ia menggunakan bahan-bahan dokumentasi yang sebelumnya hampir tidak dipakai.

Bagi Drooglever, act of free choice adalah suatu peristiwa historis di abad modern ini, sebagaimana dialami oleh masyarakat di Papua, tatkala oleh kekuatan super power seperti Amerika Serikat, di era perang dingin 1962-1969, melakukan suatu konspirasi politik tingkat tinggi dengan Indonesia, untuk mengamankan rencana Jakarta, memenangkan act free choice bagi kepentingan Indonesia.

Masyarakat dunia kini dapat mendengar dan menyaksikan seorang mahaguru yang berhasil mengungkapkan sebuah kebenaran sejarah yang terkubur selama 43 tahun. Kebenaran itu kini tersingkap, betapa rakyat Papua terpaksa menelan pil pahit, karena janji untuk berdaulat sebagai negara yang merdeka telah berubah menjadi suatu tragedi kemanusiaan.

Anti “Amber”
Droogelever memaparkan antara 1962-1969 terjadi suatu proses penyimpangan dari ketentuan New York Agreement, dimana rakyat Papua dijamin berdasarkan praktik internasional untuk memilih sesuai hati nurani, apakah merdeka atau bergabung dengan Indonesia.

Buku Pepera terdiri dari 14 pasal, secara historis menuturkan bagaimana orang Papua yang baru bersentuhan dengan dunia modern di abad 16 oleh bangsa Spanyol. Antara abad 16 hingga akhir Perang Dunia II Jakarta sebagai pusat pemerintahan Hindia Belanda, tak punya niat untuk memperhatikan Papua, karena secara ekonomis wilayah itu tak punya arti.

Kendati demikian, tak boleh disangkal peranan para misionaris barat yang memulai gerakan penginjilannya di Papua di tahun 1855. Era baru bagi Papua, dimulai oleh semangat pekabaran injil, dan inilah proses dimana Tanah Papua dikuasai oleh para penginjil asal Jerman, Belanda dan penginjil serta guru jemaat asal Maluku dan Kei.

Drooglever mengungkapkan fakta di masa lalu, bahwa orang Papua dipandang lebih rendah oleh orang Ambon dan Kei. Sebaliknya, orang Papua bersikap mencurigai orang Ambon dan Kei sebagai “amber” (sebutan untuk pendatang) sebagai mereka yang merampok, dengan mengingat perang hongi yang penuh darah dan perbudakan.

Sentimen anti “amber” berkembang sejak awal abad 20 dan dari waktu ke waktu belum sempat mengalami proses pertobatan dan rekonsiliasi. Drooglever menggarisbawahi sentimen anti “amber” itu tetap hidup subur, kendati perjumpaan orang Papua dengan para pendatang itu semakin besar, pasca-Perang Dunia ke II.

Papua, Semangat Berdaulat Dirontokkan Bung Karno
Kontrol Belanda terhadap wilayah Papua, barulah terasa efektif setelah PD II (1950-1961). Papua dibebaskan oleh tentara AS dari kekuasaan Jepang, dan untuk seterusnya kepada Belanda diserahkan untuk diurus.

Dalam kurun waktu 11 tahun itu, dan ini terutama setelah Commisioner Van Eckhout membenahi administrasi pemerintahan dan pembangunan, Papua dianggap sah menjadi koloni Belanda. Pembangunan di bidang pendidikan, pertanian, kesehatan merupakan fokus dalam kurun waktu tadi, dan Belanda yakin Papua harus dipisahkan dari Indonesia yang telah memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya pada 17 Agustus 1945.

Rakyat Papua tidak tinggal diam. Suatu gerakan Messianis yang lahir di awal abad 20 terus menampakkan perlawanan terhadap Belanda dan Jepang. Gerakan ini ternyata bukan saja suatu fenomena agama adat, tetapi juga merupakan resistensi budaya dan politik untuk mempertahankan identitas orang Papua.

Pada tahun 1961, Pemerintah Belanda mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah yang menetapkan bendera “Bintang Kejora” sebagai lambang, dan lagu “Hai Tanahku Papua” sebagai nyanyian kebangsaan, bersamaan dengan Dewan Rakyat Papua (Nieuw Guinea Raad) yang sudah efektif sejak 1960.

Semangat yang sempat lahir dan harapan untuk berdaulat sebagai satu bangsa, tiba-tiba dirontokkan oleh Bung Karno melalui pidato Trikora 19 Desember 1961 di Yogyakarta. Tujuan Trikora ialah membubarkan “negara boneka Papua buatan Belanda”.

Drooglever menggambarkan interaksi tingkat elite antara PM Luns dari Belanda dan Presiden AS, John F Kennedy asal Partai Demokrat, dimana Luns pada awalnya meminta PBB agar proses internasionalisasi Papua tidak melibatkan pihak Indonesia.

Nampaknya Bung Karno tidak tinggal diam. Ia melirik dukungan militer Uni Sovyet. Ancaman Indonesia untuk memperoleh dukungan Rusia, telah membuyarkan harapan Belanda mendapat dukungan politik dan militer dari sekutunya.

Setelah Bung Karno mendeklarasikan invasi militer ke Papua dan rencana aneksasi secara menyeluruh rakyat dan militer, Belanda terpaksa tunduk atas desakan AS untuk menyerah, karena AS akan sangat sulit terlibat dalam suatu konfrontasi militer, jika terjadi perang baru di kawasan itu. Pada 2 Januari 1962 Belanda bersedia melibatkan Indonesia dalam perundingan tentang masa depan Nieuw Guinea, Papua.

Bunker’s Plan
Konfrontasi militer yang hampir pecah dan menyulut perang terbuka Belanda-Indonesia, akhirnya diatasi oleh proposal Bunker, Duta Besar AS di PBB. Inti rencana Bunker ialah Papua akan dialihkan dari Pemerintah Belanda ke Indonesia, di bawah pengawasan PBB.

Perdebatan di parlemen Belanda membuahkan hasil bahwa setelah transisi tersebut, rakyat Papua masih akan menentukan hak untuk berdiri sendiri. Drooglever menyebutkan tentang drama memperebutkan dan mempertahankan Papua, oleh Belanda dan Indonesia, akhirnya berakhir pada Perjanjian New York 15 Agustus 1962. Perjanjian New York ini mengatur bahwa Papua akan segera dialihkan oleh Belanda kepada PBB, dan di akhir 1969 akan dilakukan an act of free choice.

Kelemahan besar Belanda adalah, proses administrasi dalam masa transisi itu hanya dikelola Indonesia, dan tidak akan ada lagi jaminan bahwa act of free choice bakal berlangsung di bawah standar internasional. Belanda masih bisa mengatakan telah melakukan yang terbaik bagi Papua, tetapi masyarakat Belanda mencurigai Perjanjian 15 Agustus 1962 di New York itu adalah awal dari kegagalan Belanda memenuhi janjinya kepada rakyat Papua untuk dapat menentukan nasibnya sendiri secara adil dan benar.

Drooglever dalam studinya melakukan wawancara dengan ratusan tokoh Papua. Ia mencatat bahwa rakyat Papua sejak awal menyangsikan peralihan Papua kepada PBB (UNTEA) dan rencana act of free choice tidak membawa harapan bagi orang Papua. Mereka saksikan kekuatan PBB secara militer sangat lemah, apalagi penempatan pasukan perdamaian PBB asal Pakistan hanya bertahan setahun.

Sementara itu pengiriman pasukan Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut dan Udara dari Jakarta begitu banyak, dimana sulit dibayangkan Indonesia akan melepaskan Papua menjadi negara yang berdaulat. Kehadiran personel UNTEA sengaja dibatasi atas desakan Indonesia, sementara itu Ortiz Sans diberi ruang gerak yang sempit, bahkan jumlah stafnya diperkecil.

Ketika Ortiz Sans melaporkan kepada Sudjarwo Tjondronegoro bahwa terjadi perlakuan yang tidak benar oleh petugas Indonesia, termasuk militernya, Tjondronegoro, sebagai pengantara UNTEA dan Indonesia, menganggapnya pantas untuk ditanggapi. Niat untuk melakukan suatu act of free di Papua, secara sistematis dan berencana dialihkan ke suatu proses yang direkayasa oleh Jakarta.
Ortiz Sans tidak diperkenankan mengambil peran yang signifikan dalam proses persiapan maupun ketika diimplementasikan Pepera pada Juli-Agustus 1969. Drooglever mencatat semua saksi orang Papua, para wartawan luar negeri, para diplomat, khususnya para pengamat mancanegara, menyimpulkan apa yang terjadi dengan act free choice adalah tindakan yang memalukan.
Tjondronegoro dipandang sebagai artistek yang cerdik dan tangkas memanfaatkan Pepera untuk kepentingan Indonesia.

Dalam wawancara Drooglever dengan Radio Nederland, Drooglever mengatakan dirinya sadar bahwa hasil penyelidikan tentang act of free choice dan kebenaran yang ia temukan, akan membuat semacam iritasi di pihak RI, bahkan tidak ia maksudkan bahwa studinya akan menjadi alasan untuk terancamnya NKRI. Kendati begitu, buku ini telah menyingkap sebuah noktah hitam dalam sejarah Kerajaan Belanda, terhadap rakyat yang pernah dijajah, di Nederlands Nieuw Guinea, tapi berakhir dengan peristiwa yang memalukan.
Penulis adalah dosen Sekolah Tinggi Teologia GKI Abepura dan anggota eksekutif Partnership for Governance Reform Indonesia.

Buku Drogleever Sebatas Kebutuhan Akademis ?

Buku Drogleever Sebatas Kebutuhan Akademis ?
By Gasper Muabuay
Nov 26, 2005, 04:51

Membaca pemberitaan dari Kantor Berita Antara yang dilansir SKH Timika Pos, (16/11), berjudul ‘Masyarakat Sambut Hasil Survey Pepera 1969’ dan mendesak Profesor Drogleever di Belanda mengumumkan hasil penelitian sejarah integrasi Papua ke Indonesia pada 15 Novemver 2005 agar dapat diketahui dengan benar proses politik Pepera 36 tahun lalu itu.

Naskah yang sudah dibukukan itu berjudul ” Een Daad van Vrije Keuze atau Pepera (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat). Hasil wawancara Prof. Drogleever juga disiarkan oleh Radio Netherlands Siaran Indonesia (Ranesi, Hilversum, 15 November 2005).

Seperti telah diketahui publik bahwa proses penggabungan Papua ke ibu pertiwi dilakukan dibawah pengawasan Badan Dunia Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) yang memberikan tugas pelaksana kepada pemerintah Indonesia pada waktu itu.

Kemudian, proses ‘penentuan nasib sendiri’ (AN act of free choice) dilakukan di Papua dengan membentuk suatu badan yang didirikan di tiap kabupaten dan disebut Dewan Musyawarah Pepera (Demus Pepera) yang keanggotaannya langsung ditunjuk oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Yang menurut perkembangan populasi warga Papua waktu itu, dari sekitar 800.000 penduduk yang diperkirakan terdapat 700.000 orang dewasa. Dari jumlah itu, hanya ditunjuk langsung 1022 orang yang terdaftar sebagai anggota Dewan Musyawarah Pepera. Dari ke-1022 orang yang ditunjuk itu yang menyampaikan pendapat yang telah dipersiapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dibawah supervisi PBB dan secara aklamasi menyatakan bergabung dengan Indonesia.

Dari sekilas catatan sejarah di atas dapat diambil pemaknaannya dan dihubungkan dengan pengumuman penelitian sang profesor Belanda itu. Pertanyaannya, jika selama ini pemerintah selalu memberi tanggapan dan meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa proses integrasi Papua sudah final sebagai sebuah wilayah sah di repulik ini alias tidak dapat diganggu gugat lagi oleh pihak mana pun termasuk rakyat Papua. Namun kini dengan dibuka-bukanya sejarah Papua oleh pihak-pihak di luar negeri, justru menimbulkan ketidakkpastian dan membingungkan publik secara daerah maupun nasional.

Jika dari hasil pengkajian ‘ilmiah’ (kebenaran hakiki) itu, akhirnya menimbulkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan baru bagi pemerintah tentang keabsahan integrasi Papua ke Indonesia. Maka apa yang bisa pemerintah jawab untuk mengamankan posisi Papua di dalam wilayah NKRI yang kini tidak dapat dipungkiri sedang menjadi fokus perhatian luas berbagai kalangan ?

Mungkin akan muncul banyak anggapan orang yang boleh mengatakan, hasil penelitian yang telah dijilid itu hanya merupakan pengkajian bagi kebutuhan keilmiahan akademis saja. Namun ada kemungkinan bahwa naskah ilmiah itu bisa saja dijadikan sebagai naskah politik bagi pihak-pihak yang memiliki kepentingan bagi masalah Papua. Mengingat kini soal Papua telah menjadi konsumsi komunitas internasional dari berbagai belahan negeri di planet ini.

Walaupun seperti yang telah diwartakan oleh sejumlah media massa resmi dalam dan luar negeri dan dapat ditarik satu kesimpulan bahwa studi akademik yang dirampungkan Profesor Drogleever dan Institut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Lembaga Sejarah Belanda sejak tahun 2000 itu menjadi pertanggungjawaban penulisnya sendiri. Jadi bukan menjadi tanggungjawab pemerintah dan parlemen Belanda. Yang dalam arti pemerintah Belanda sama sekali lepas tangan/terbebas dari semua itu.

Walaupun secara strategis pemerintah Belanda boleh saja mengelak seperti itu, namun secara politis suksesnya penulisan buku Pepera itu terselesaikan berkat adanya dukungan persetujuan/ijin dari pemerintah Belanda sendiri melalui Lembaga Sejarah Belanda milik pemerintah Netherlands.

Sampai pada kesimpulan ini, dimana secara implisit pemerintah Belanda telah mengakui isi dari karya ilmiah itu dan paling tidak pihak Belanda sendiri dapat menjelaskan kembali kepada dunia dan terutama pemerintah Indonesia jika memang naskah prof. Drogleever itu bukan ditulis bagi kepentingan pemerintahnya.

Selanjutnya, bagaimana sikap pemerintah Indonesia atas penerbitan Buku yang menceritakan secara detail sejarah pengambilalihan Papua dari Belanda ke Indonesia ?

Jika saat ini secara mendunia sudah ada pengakuan terhadap materi penulisan ilmiah dari buku ini yang menyingkapkan sejumlah kecacatan dan kebenaran sejarah Pepera. Maka pemerintah Indonesia yang telah lama memiliki hak atas Papua juga mesti menentukan sikap yang jelas agar tidak menjadi kerikil di dalam sepatu integritas nasionalnya. Misalnya kalau memang katalisasi sejarah masa lalu berjalan kurang sesuai di Papua, maka apa yang harus pemerintah Jakarta katakan kepada rakyat Papua dan dunia serta menjelaskan secara baik dan benar apa yang telah terjadi di Papua pada tahun 1969. Termasuk pemerintah Belanda , Amerika Serikat, dan PBB yang karena peranan global saat ‘perang dingin’ antara blok timur dan barat serta kepentingan mereka kala itu yang ikut serta didalam proses campur tangan atas Pepera di Papua yang menurut mereka sesuai dengan kondisi zaman pada waktu itu.

Barangkali akan cukup sulit untuk terjadi suatu pengakuan hakikat terhadap kasus Papua, karena masing-masing pihak memiliki sikap pandang yang berbeda dan berprinsip pada kondisi dunia dan Papua kala itu yang menurut mereka rakyat Papua sulit diajak melakukan jajak pendapat secara one man one vote dengan alasan masalah geografis dan ketidaksiapan warga Papua pada waktu itu untuk mengikuti pemilu dengan praktek demokrasi modern.

Jika pun demikian, bagaimana kebenaran dan ketidakbenaran fakta sejarah itu bisa diungkap dengan bijaksana agar semua dapat mengetahui apa yang terjadi di balik semua itu ?

Walaupun dapat ditebak bahwa penulisan buku itu tersurat dan sarat cerita yang memuat campur tangan negara-negara asing dan PBB atas proses Pepera 1969 itu. Namun bila dibaca perkembangan dunia pada dewasa ini, pemerintah-pemerintah dunia itu, seperti, Belanda dan Amerika akan lebih memfokus pada menjaga kepentingan hubungan bilateral dan multirateral antar negara daripada berpikir melibatkan diri ke dalam persoalan Papua yang justru mengorek permasalahan integrasi nasional republik Indonesia. Dan menganggu hubungan persahabatan yang telah terbangun selama ini.

Maka dapat ditarik poin-poin penting bahwa bagi pemerintah Indonesia mungkin tidak terlalu menganggap penting diterbitkannya buku Pepera Papua itu, sebab Papua menurutnya merupakan sebuah wilayah yang sah dan telah dilandasi oleh pengakuan PBB selama bertahun-tahun. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa penelitian dan peluncuran buku Profesor Drogleever yang mendapat rekomendasi pemerintah Belanda ini, bukan tidak mungkin dapat menjadi kerikil tajam di dalam sepatu integral Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia di kemudian hari.

(Penulis adalah Pemerhati Masalah Politik, Tinggal di Timika - atikel ini telah dimuat di Timika Pos, Kamis, 24 November 2005)

Seandainya Tiada HR 2601

Seandainya Tiada HR 2601
By Christianto Wibisono / pembaruan)
Aug 17, 2005, 12:36

Jakarta, Saya sengaja mengendapkan penulisan kolom tentang House Representatives 2601 atau Undang-Undang HR (DPR) nomor 2601 (HR 2601) hingga sehari menjelang 60 tahun kemerdekaan karena memang HR 2601 bisa menjadi suatu gunung es bagi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Beberapa kali saya mengikuti acara hearing dalam Sub Komisi Hubungan Internasional Kongres dan Senat AS. Delegasi Samoa Amerika, Eni Faleomavaega boleh saja dinilai gurem dan tidak berpengaruh seperti Edward Kennedy atau Patrick Leahy. Tapi pada 10 Maret 2005, saya mendengar pidato Eni yang mengutip pernyataan Uskup Desmond Tutu tanggal 24 Februari 2004. Saya sadar, betapa seriusnya urusan Papua ini dan tidak sekadar komoditas LSM gurem.

Faleomavaega bukan politisi dungu, ia sadar bahwa dirinya bukan apa-apa. Tapi kalau ia bisa menggaet Desmond Tutu bahkan Nelson Mandela sebagai tokoh yang prihatin dan peduli dengan nasib Papua, celakalah arogansi elite Jakarta yang merasa telah merangkul dan memiliki dunia.

Kabarnya dulu di zaman Soeharto, Ketua GNB ini merasa yakin telah berhasil "membeli" dukungan kelompok Afrika agar Timtim tetap dalam NKRI. Soeharto yang memang cukong, sempat memberi angpao kepada Nelson Mandela. Angpao diterima, tapi ketika pendapat umum dunia tidak favorable kepada RI, Afrika Selatan tidak punya andil atau gigi untuk membela RI soal Timtim.

Hal yang sama perlu diwaspadai dalam soal Papua karena solidaritas etnis rasial menjadi salah satu kartu. Selain menggaet Desmond Tutu, Faleomavaega juga berhasil mengumpulkan 36 tanda tangan Congressional Black Caucus. Ini suatu solidaritas anggota Kongres keturunan Afrika yang menekankan bahwa ras penduduk Papua, Melanesia berasal dari keturunan Afrika Barat dan berbeda dari ras Melayu, mayoritas penduduk Indonesia.

Ia juga tekun meneliti dan mencari pendukung upaya peninjauan kembali pelaksanaan Pepera 1969 dengan mengutip penyesalan mantan Deputy Sekjen PBB Chakravarty Narasimhan. Dalam wawancara tahun 2001, Narasimhan menyatakan bahwa memang Pepera 1969 itu bukan berdasarkan one man one vote. Tapi memakai 1022 wakil rakyat yang mengatasnamakan hampir sejuta warga Papua untuk memilih tetap menjadi provinsi NKRI.

PBB sendiri waktu itu hanya ingin menyelesaikan tugas act of free choice itu secara formalitas saja tanpa mempedulikan apakah itu mencakup grass roots atau tidak. Selain itu bila elite dan diplomat Indonesia rajin menelusuri website akan kaget bahwa 80 NGO dunia dan 40 anggota parlemen Uni Eropa serta 134 anggota parlemen negara Uni Eropa mendukung peninjauan kembali status Papua.

Perang zaman modern ini bukan sekadar pakai dar der dor meriam dan tank, melainkan public opini dan internet. Yang mungkin belum pernah disimak secara serius oleh elite Indonesia yang malas membaca dan hanya gemar retorika menghasut selera rendah tanpa substansi berbobot.


MASALAH serius dari HR 2601 adalah selain mengungkap fakta sejarah, dokumen itu juga merujuk kepada situasi dan kondisi kontemporer yang memerosotkan harkat RI di mata dunia internasional. Khususnya dalam citra RI sebagai negara demokratis karena adanya praktik tidak terpuji, seperti pembunuhan Munir dan penembakan dua warga sipil AS di Timika.

Semua itu disebut dalam satu nafas dengan praktik pelanggaran HAM dan demokrasi terhadap warga asli Papua selama penguasaan wilayah itu dalam NKRI.

UU HR 2601 tebalnya 516 halaman, sedang Pasal 1115 berjudul Developments in and policy toward Indonesia terdapat pada hal 326-332. Sebenarnya banyak juga negara lain yang mempunyai masalah HAM, demokrasi dan bilateral dengan AS yang disebut dalam pasal-pasal lain. Misalnya tentang Tibet, Colombia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Ekuador , Meksiko dan Liberia menyangkut mantan diktator Charles Taylor.

Pasal 1437 (hal 510) mendesak pemerintah RRT memecat Mayjen Zhu Chenghu yang mengancam mau menuklir AS jika AS terus membantu Taiwan memisahkan diri dari RRT.

Jika elite Jakarta kurang teliti membaca tanda-tanda zaman, suatu gunung es di balik HR 2601 maka NKRI bisa mengalami nasib Titanic. Masa lalu adalah masa lalu dan kebanyakan kita kurang belajar dari sejarah, kurang mau mawas diri. Dan, yang lebih menyakitkan ialah kurang berani menghukum kesalahan dan kejahatan.

Suatu impunitas pelanggaran HAM dan demokrasi yang menjadi citra suatu negara yang disorot oleh dunia internasional. Inilah posisi, situasi dan kondisi NKRI pasca-Soeharto yang telanjur diwarnai oleh penyiksaan, penculikan, pembunuhan lawan politik, fitnah dan fatwa politik yang menghalalkan kekerasan terhadap masyarakat.

Semua ini merupakan citra yang menyelubungi posture NKRI, di tengah kebanggaan dan keasyikan menepuk dada sebagai pelopor KAA Bandung, pelopor GNB dan Dunia Ketiga. Tapi sejujurnya, citra rezim fasis masih mewarnai tingkah laku elite politik yang sadis dan tega, kejam dan keji terhadap lawan politik, masih mengganjal diplomasi RI.

Kalau terhadap sesama bangsa seperti Munir saja, orang tega meracun. Terhadap guru sipil warga AS yang tidak tahu menahu politik, bisa dilakukan penghadangan dan pembunuhan serta penjarahan masyarakat tanpa penghukuman terhadap pelaku penjarahan maupun pembakaran dan konflik rasial, etnis agama. Maka, citra ini mewarnai dan bisa dieksploitasi oleh kelompok HAM internasional secara efektif. Tidak ada asap kalau tidak ada api.


APA yang bisa dilakukan oleh Pemerintah RI dalam menghadapi bahaya gunung es HR 2601. Menurut saya, caranya hanya satu. Pemerintah membuktikan bahwa RI adalah negara Pancasila yang toleran, majemuk dan menjamin HAM dan demokrasi serta warga minoritas tanpa diktator mayoritas. Atau tirani oleh massa yang mengandalkan mayoritas melanggar hukum menghakimi warga lain dan memperoleh impunitas.

Seandainya saya jadi semacam National Integrity Adviser untuk Presiden Yudhoyono, saya mengusulkan paket terpadu pemberdayaan Papua sebagai berikut.

Pertama, Pemerintah Indonesia harus merangkul dunia untuk tetap merangkul Papua sebab Papua sedang dirangkul oleh dunia. Pemerintah harus menghentikan arogansi politik impunitas terhadap pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu

Kedua, Pemerintah memberdayakan Papua dalam jangka panjang dengan pelbagai proyek "tebus dosa" dan transformasi masyarakat Papua dengan Investasi program strategic jangka panjang. Misalnya, menjadi tuan rumah Sidang Raya Dewan Gereja sedunia di Jayapura tahun 2014 dan Olympiade Musim Dingin di Jayawijaya juga tahun 2014.

Ketiga, paket terpadu pemberdayaan Papua bukan sekadar karena terpojok dan ingin menyelamatkan NKRI agar Papua tidak terlepas. Melainkan benar-benar suatu mawas diri bahwa NKRI kembali ke sumber kelahiran pada 17 Agustus 1945. Bahwa NKRI adalah negara sekuler yang majemuk yang menghormati Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dan menolak penjajahan sekalipun oleh segelintir elite atas nama faktor primordial baik mayoritas suku, ras, etnis atau agama.

NKRI adalah milik seluruh bangsa Indonesia, bukan Jawa, Aceh, Sunda atau Batak atau Papua atau agama tertentu. Jadi, kalau ada yang mau memonopoli maka bukan hanya akan berhadapan dengan HR 2601. Tapi pasti malah akan menabrak gunung es dan nasib NKRI bisa jadi seperti kapal Titanic. *