Jurriaan Maessen
Prison Planet.com
Friday, July 17, 2009
Reuters reports that blasts at the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott hotels in Jakarta killed at least 9 people, as well as injuring at least 50. In addition, Reuters has reported that a car bomb has been detonated at a toll road in North Jakarta not long after- although the Dow Jones news wires report this last explosion was not caused by a bomb but by a pick-up truck, catching fire.
According to eyewitness reports, the blast in both hotels took place just minutes apart, and emanating from within the buildings, pointing to either an attack by suicide bombers- or to the possibility that the explosives were planted there beforehand. Reports by the Straits Times indicate the latter option is the most probable, as an unexploded bomb has been found and defused at the Marriott hotel. In any case, all eyewitness accounts say the blasts clearly occurred from the inside out.
Greg Woolstencroft, chief technical officer at a local television station, was near the scene at the time of the explosions. He told CNN’s Anderson Cooper: “I’ve actually lived at the Ritz-Carlton for 12 months, that hotel has probably got the highest security of any hotel in Indonesia. And I just don’t know how someone could get in there with a bomb, given the level of security, the level of screening people have to go through. I just don’t know how that person got that bomb in.”
“Given the bombing that happened at the Marriott previously”, Woolstencrof added, “you can’t actually drive into the lobby. You’ve got to come through, more effectively at the back of the building to get into the front of the building. And there there’s major metal barriers, the vehicles are searched, there’s armed guards at that checkpoint, once you go up to the lobby there’s metal detectors, your bags are searched before you go through those metal detectors. There’s another area where you go into the basement and the vehicles are checked once again before you go into the basement. So that’s the sort of level of security there is, you know, so I just don’t know how a person would be able to get that bomb in, unless there was some level of cooperation, I don’t know.”
All corporate fingers meanwhile point toward the radical Islamists organisation Jemaah Islamiyah (or ‘Islamic Organisation’) led by wanted terrorist Noordin Mohammed Top, who has been held responsible for the 2003 attacks on the Marriott hotel as well as the Australian embassy in the following year. It’s widely believed that the organization has links with al-Qaeda. Although Clive Williams at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre in Canberra speculated that “The likelihood is that it was Noordin Top’s cell that was responsible” for the recent attacks, a Reuters India report says “some analysts are investigating whether some Jemaah Islamiyah members are rekindling links with jihadists in Pakistan, raising the question of whether the Jakarta bombings were a purely domestic attack or whether they may have been directed or co-ordinated from abroad.”
Among those lucky to be alive, is American business lobbyist James Castle and, interestingly, the director of the huge Freeport-McMoran goldmine in the Indonesian Province of West Papua (owned by Freeport Mc Moran Copper & Gold Inc, operating out of Phoenix, Arizona). Craig Senger, Austrade Commissioner in charge of Mining, was also present when the bombs exploded- reports the Daily Telegraph.
A little extra research reveals something very interesting. In the course of the last couple of weeks before the blasts in Jakarta, a series of deadly ambushes in the vicinity of several Freeport-owned goldmines in Indonesia’s remote province of Papua-New Guinea took place. Although according to the New York Times, Indonesian authorities first blamed separatists in the Free Papua Movement for the attacks, Papuan officials have rejected the possibility, saying “the (Free Papua) movement lacked the kind of sophisticated weapons used in the ambushes.” Indonesian news outlets have meanwhile speculated that “military or police officials, who are paid by Freeport for protection, may have directed the ambushes to secure their business.” According to AFP, the Indonesian defence minister Juwono Sudarsono told reporters that foreign NGOs and governments had a history of backing groups that “agitate” in Papua. When asked which countries he was referring to, Sudarsono stated: “Apparently many neighbouring countries to the South.”- meaning Australia and New Zealand. The Indonesian defence minister also told reporters “he did not believe military or police were involved in the attacks on the US owned goldmines but conceded “rogue elements” from security forces could be responsible.”
A Melbourne born employee of the goldmine, Lukan Biggs, who came under attack in one of the ambushes in the first weeks of July, told the Herald Sun that “The shooting was planned. (It’s) clear they were using weapons belonging to the police or the military.”
What an amazing coincidence that the director of the huge Freeport goldmine was present at the Marriott Hotel when the blasts occurred. The same Freeport, that had been subjected to several ambushes the weeks before, possibly set in motion by foreign governments.
On July 8, Reuters also reported, a bus and security post were set ablaze near the massive Grasberg mine in Papua, run by a unit of Freeport-McMoran. Reuters also reported that the Grasberg mine has “the world’s largest recoverable reserves of copper and the largest gold reserve”. The Asia Times reported that the Indonesian military (TNI) “provides security services to multinational enterprises like the world’s largest goldmine, owned by Freeport Mc Moran.”
The first reports point to the possibility of a false flag event, where the perpetrators both attempted to assassinate the Freeman-McMoran goldmine director, and reinvigorate the war on terror in the same attempt. The presence of the Freeport director at the Marriott Hotel at the time of the blasts could therefore be viewed as the last in a series of attacks on the US owned enterprise (reputedly the largest in the world) and- subsequently- the attacks themselves as a geopolitical false flag attack, killing two birds with one stone.
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51 Responses to “Two Blasts in Indonesia Covered with Geopolitical Fingerprints”
The Real reconmarine Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 4:58 am
Again, If the media and government I trust so much says it was an al qaeda connnected group than I believe them. WHo am I to question? Al qaeda is so super scary and super capable, it just HAD to be them. I would believe that “al qaeda” killed Michael Jackson if the media and government told me it was so. I know my moron in arms Sgt. Fury agrees with me.
chemical blast at Chicago Plant Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:03 am
kebcreation Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:15 am
Well I learned in kindergarten that you got to ask questions. I guess they must have to try again Because they missed the target. Don’t got to ask questions to smell a rat. Recon get some nose strips your shnoz is clogged.
Jonathan Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 5:17 am
Yep false flag allright- incredible!!!!!
OMNA Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 6:50 am
Yeah, how could anyone ever beleive that terrorist would strike a western target in the most Muslim populated country in the world?
WOW. It must be an inside job. The way the NWO used the Bali bombings to take away our rights to talk shit about the government online, now whats this gonna be used for?
Im goin to buy a gun before it is too late.g
Zohan & Friends Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 5:25 am
Zohan has been told by big boss to find clues.
It is unusual to find Businessmen in the same country as their business interests .
—”What an amazing coincidence that the director of the huge Freeport goldmine was present at the Marriott Hotel when the blasts occurred”–} Very suspicious Zohan eh!
Ah I see , Yes so history of Islamic men bombing in same country.
—”led by wanted terrorist Noordin Mohammed Top, who has been held responsible for the 2003 attacks on the Marriott hotel–” It is also very,very suspicious to the Zohan.
How could the terrorist planet the bombs ? asked Zohan. But soon there was answer.
“–So that’s the sort of level of security there is, you know, so I just don’t know how a person would be able to get that bomb in, unless there was some level of cooperation, I don’t know.””
Yes there it is !!! . Zohan solved the mystery of my superior at Mossad will be so proud of me. Of course someone inside the hotel helped to smuggle in the bombs. An employee at the loading docks or maid service.
And you thought it was a F22 delivering a JDAM Bunker buster from 50000 ft.
HA HA Zohan solve mystery by reading the article.
PS. All quotes from article above for your reading pleasure.
Netanyahu Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 5:26 am
Keep lying your ass off for me. Make me proud.
Gary S Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 5:55 am
It’s going to be interesting to see who of importance may have been among the slain or wounded. A false flag attack is a perfect opportunity to get rid “undersirables” and make it look perfectly legitimate.
Evo Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 5:59 am
I think I smell the work of the Dark Forces again here. I don’t think people will be believing this stuff much longer. higher awareness and open potentiality is opening up too much for it to be hidden.
hellferbreakfast Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 6:23 am
The stakes are very high if this is the worlds’ largest gold & copper deposit. Whoever controls it can control a large chunk of the entire world economy.
anon Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 6:28 am
Inside job.. lol
Ophiuchus Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 6:46 am
CIA staying busy….!
Just Curious Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 7:47 am
Has there EVER been an act of terrorism that Prison Planet has NOT labeled a false flag?
nader paul kucinich gravel Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:24 am
Does “your” government & media lie about anything?
Does “your” government & media lie about everything?
DNC & RNC have BOTH sold out the country in order to enrich themselves.
Independents agree on more than we disagree.
Beware the divide and conquer.
Gravel Kucinich Paul Nader
McKinney Ventura too
Five veterans
The Fed
Just Curious Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:08 am
I believe in false flag attacks.
There is a difference between believing that and believing that 100% of all acts of terror fall into that category.
I have heard Alex say that he believes real terrorism exists, but I have yet to come across an example of him stating that about a specific incident.
Can anyone provide an example of this?
If not, then what is the point of even reading these articles, since you already know what they will say before you even read them?
Two Blasts in Indonesia Covered with Geopolitical Fingerprints » Alternative News Center Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 7:47 am
[...] Here is the original post: Two Blasts in Indonesia Covered with Geopolitical Fingerprints [...]
Splitta Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:02 am
The rabbit hole goes just as deep in this part of the world.
As an Aussie, im not surprised, however im very ashamed. We’ve been meddling in indonesia for a long time now, under the guise of an acting UN peace keeping force to quall tensions between the Indonesian military/militant forces, and East Timor forces who were fighting for indipendance. Just recently have i started connecting the dots. Websites like this one which focus on Australia dont seem to exist, so for Aussies looking for truth, it takes time. Our tough new post 9/11 – 7/7 terror laws clearly werent tough enough. We played our hand (along with help from CIA operatives) in carrying out the 2005 Bali bombings, and as a result, we got brand new laws that rival the patriot act
Link: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ComLa.....442005.pdf
And now with this new attack, im beggining to fear even more for my rights and freedoms. The elites of Australia seem to be to pussy to plan an attack on their own soil (excluding the 1978 Sydney Hilton Bombings. Link: http://www.youtube.com/view_pl.....CEFF30071) however they are more than happy to use False Flag operations in nearby countries to justify taking OUR freedom away from us. It really does make me fucking sick.
Watch this documentary for the whole truth surrounding ASIO/CIA/FBI funded terror in indonesia, it is a must see not only for Australians, but for Americans as well, as it shows yet another slimy tentacle of the NWO. Never heard of East Timor? Well they have. This shows just how global their plan really is.
Link: http://video.google.com.au/vid.....&hl=en
Splitta Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:41 am
propor Hilton Bombing link: http://www.youtube.com/view_pl.....1CEFF30071
Jim Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:20 am
I just dont know… Al-CIA-Da(did I spell that right?) has a magical way with security obastacles. Perhaps they tunneled from Afghanistan all the way to the hotel and came up through the toilet. Something stinks here.
skottwms Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:20 am
You weak assed, dick sucking gutless bitches will never do anything except cry and moan on the internet. Fucking Shithole America is fucking doomed, and you silly little fat bitches complain on this goofy-assed site, and feel like big revolutionaries. HA!!!!! You little girls don’t have the nuts to go up against anything! Go back to your online gaming, and fat wives/girlfriends (Who have probably even been fuckt by black guys- HAHAHAH- weak little american white males- what little faggots you have become!) little twats… you are a fucking joke, and a disgrace to the word “Men”.
ToldYaSo Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:11 am
I being an american white male, couldn’t agree with you more..
webster99 Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:07 am
agreed !! everyone here with their imaginary “”"o the world is gona come to an end”"-type ideas complain as much as they can without knowing shit and grabbing every opportunity they can to bash the government… agreed,our government is pretty wrong but i find it hard to believe that if you brand them with the name “global elitist ” it also means that you cant do shit against them and the max you could do is shutup and listen to them .!!
Windowsisthevirus Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:00 am
Are you stupid? The world is going to come to an end. We are all terrorists on a global scale killing our own air supply. Anyway if we want to get on here and speak freely about our governments that have lied & mislead us and killed their own people for the sake of an oil war then the least you could do is be supportive or get lost. Yes lets all shutup & listen to the government lie cheat & steal from us while they ride in their free cars & gain huge retirement packages for sending innocent men & women off to fight falsely started wars. Its ok for them safe behind their big doors & security details. They start these things & then send out good people to do the work of monsters. Yes lets all be drones & say nothing at all. Seriously go dig at your toaster with a knife while taking a bath please.
Don't chemtrail me bro Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 1:23 pm
skottwms/ What do you have to offer except a pussy who has to name call people in this blog. Did it make you feel good to elevate yourself among your fellow humans by calling them all those names? You offer nothing.
InsideMBA Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:29 am
This was a corporte hit big time. The second biggest exporter of copper is Chile. Watch Chile closely
illwillss Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:32 am
prez obanana’ pleeze sayve meee
all da tewewists are gonna get my libberty’s and fool me with digital t.v. tetra waves
helpme obee one yes we kennobi !
dupe me til i die in a camp or far away territory
retreat earthlings…
obamamba baseball bubble gum 09′ by fleer
go yankees!!!
rico Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 8:38 am
. Watch Chile closely…
How closely?
InsideMBA Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 12:01 pm
China needs copper big time, the three biggest sources are Australian, US, Indonesia and Chile. China’s government just arrested a Rio Tino (biggest copper exporter from down under) corp executive on spy charges, todays blast was a hit on Freeport-McMoran exec’s. I bet there is a sudden so called drug war on the news in chile with weapons and explosives pouring in. The pro drug people will have chinese made ak47’s and the pro governemt people will have american made weapons. Its wont be about drugs, but about copper
Astro Chimp Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:07 am
Good essay!
ToldYaSo Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:09 am
It’s disturbing to see how quickly many of you are coming to conclusions. There is NO evidence of false flag here whatsoever.. At least not from this article.
The quote of someone saying “I don’t know how they got in unless there was help” can mean anything. Like another blogger said, this is the most muslim populated country there. So the likliehood of someone being sympathetic that works there is not too wild of an assumption.
This is what angers me about this site. Every current event is suspected of foul play by the powers that be as though there is no such thing as an actual jihad against the western powers. I personally believe, like many of you that 911 was staged as a trigger for war against the east, however, It does not negate the fact that these Jiahdi’s actually can, will, and do, inflict terrorism on some sort of scale.
Judging by the timing and the overall low impact explosions. The FIRST thing I would think is an attack by muslim extremist. Those bombs were about as powerfull as the propane gunpowder bombs I made as a child.. Pathetic…
Also, It is NO conspiracy that important people were located at the most prestigious hotels in Indonesia. Are you guys kidding me?
Let’s be a little more anayltical as to the other possibilities as well guys.. You too whoever wrote this twisted news story..
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:01 am
“the FIRST thing I would think is muslim extremists”.-ToldYaSo
Let me just say, im not saying it isnt “muslim extremists” in this case, im not sure, and you shouldnt be either. But that above qoute by you says it all. Should come in handy for the elite when the next actual false flag happens. It sure came in handy on 9/11.
ToldYaSo Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:52 am
Forgive my typing.. You are correct.. In this case I don’t know either.. But if I had two choices.. between NWO and extremists. I would conclude, with the minimal amount of unconfirmed information I have before me right now.. I would lean towards extremeists. Better?
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:55 am
Do you think “extremists” did 9/11?(if you do then im not surprised you lean towards extremists in this case) Somebody has got some reading to do….
ToldYaSo Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:38 am
Perhaps you have some reading to do.. Like what I first typed.. I was quite clear that I don’tbelieve extremists (muslim) were behind 911
arty farty illuminarty Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:24 am
yes what a load of shit, no real facts that point at any thing, no video no shit..
it does get a bit shity when every thing that happens seems to be something to do with NWO or a government according to prison planet.. i am getting very tired of the pish to.. and in the next comment below me will be some one telling me to keep drinking my fluoride.
and not to put down Alex or the prison planet because its followers are getting as bad as religious nuts. its all bollocks and the human race is just a bunch of greed driven nuppteys with no personal inner direction. you ain’t got the balls to think for your selves, you all need some one to tell you what to do.
wake the fuck up start smiling, start sharing , stop deceiving other people, stand up for your rights against shity company’s who think they can take you for a ride.
if your boss is a greed driven monkey tell him what he needs to hear too.
you bunch of monkeys
Windowsisthevirus Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:06 am
Ha ha ha dont forget while you are drinking your fluoride to take off your aluminium foil cap so the CIA can read your brain waves & tell the aliens what you are thinking. Moulder & Sculley will drop in on you later and if I am real lucky perhaps Sculley will come to my place & tuck me in for the night and sleep over.
Don't chemtrail me bro Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 1:30 pm
time for a yawn…you got anything new..anything useful?…You are borrrrrrrringggg.
I'm So Bored With The U-S-A Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:30 am
I’m glad to see I’m not alone in thinking this site has become a joke.
I still find articles here that I would miss otherwise, but both the original content and the comments have taken a SERIOUS nosedive of late.
Alex said to be prepared for an influx of disgruntled right wingers once Obama got elected, but I wasn’t prepared for the comments to degrade to the level of Michael Savagery quite as quickly they have, let alone for that to become the majority opinion to the extent that it has.
No article about Obama or Sotmayor can be published here without numerous references to “niggers” and “spics,” and the level of jew baiting and homophobia has gone right through the roof.
What’s really disappointing, though, is just how willing Alex & his staff seem to be to cater to these jackasses.
Apparently, it’s alright to exploit the false left/right paradigm for one’s own personal gain.
Windowsisthevirus Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
The site is not such a joke but some of the comments made here now are. Everyone has become like Rick from the Young Ones, like silly cloned anti fanciest hippy hating warriors that more closely resemble Nazi sheep than people of a free opinion. I agree with the smile and get on with life comment but at the same time we should all be aware that our governments are liars but then we voted them in. If you really want to have a say and be heard then make sure you vote & vote with intelligence. Sure question your government & speak your mind but do it in a manner that comes across as sane and coherent. Dont descend into a rabal of conspiracy theorists looking for a hidden agenda behind every event. I agree there is alot of sus happenings behind much of this stuff but ranting wildly is playing straight into the hands of government. They want you to come off as loopy lunes so its easier to discredit the truth as bull.
Bill O'Rights Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:36 am
Wouldn’t it make sense for this event to be suspect, when 98% of the destruction, raping of humanity, double-crossing, and evil deeds in this world are committed through the NWO and their agents? Peace.
Princess Zelda Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:50 am
This is perfect example why we should stop all Muslims entering United States including permanent detention of all Muslims within United States. Even if no confirm link to terrorism is found. And while in Detection Center they will be Sterilize to prevent breeding
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:04 am
You are a perfect example of a useful idiot who thinks all muslims are evil and all muslims are behind all terrorist attacks, when in fact the biggest attacks(9/11,7/7,anthrax) were done by both christians and jews(since you want to make it a religious thing by singling out muslims you racist little whore). We have one extreme, one where every attack is a false flag in ones mind, and we have the other, the more dangerous extreme like you who are so fucking stupid you buy into every single piece of disinfo and propaganda that makes up the phony “War on terror”. Get your head out of your ass you uninformed little hateful bitch.
Princess Zelda Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:11 am
Just prove my point that 9/11 truthers are lunatics and extremely dangerous and should be arrested as potential terrorist. Just another Alex Jones cult member who is delusional and need mental help.. Maybe we should send you to FEMA camp for Final Solution??? It would solve the problem.
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:40 am
You are a psychotic moron.
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:41 am
And slow down and re-read before you hit the “submit comment” button you fucking neocon moron. Can barely make out your psychotic point…..
arty farty illuminarty Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:45 am
how has your point been proven zelda, so sad has just said that you are one extreme and that feeds of all the shit with your terrible comments, and as far as the truthers go they are just a section of society who want real answers to some real shit that has gone on, so i would not say that they are terrorist at all, i am sure there are elements of people from all groups who could be turned in to terrorist but you would have to be a bit stupid or have been hurt or lost some one thru an action you did not agree with like war.. or the raping of your nation
so sad Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:57 am
good point, not to mention the fact that shes calls others “dangerous” and “loony” and proceeds to spew hate and fascist bullshit about permanent detention of muslims and shit. What a psycho bitch.
Windowsisthevirus Reply:
July 17th, 2009 at 11:09 am
No if you stop all the Muslims coming in to the country then there will be no one to blame when the US president wants a plane flown into the side of a building. It would have looked bad for Bush if you had no Muslims and he is standing there saying “He did it” while pointing to an empty corner.
Windowsisthevirus Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 10:49 am
Yep America is doomed and so is Australia for taking part in the war on terror that was obviously pointed at the wrong terrorist. When will George Bush Jr & Snr pay for their crimes?
As far as the latest bombings it was probably another tasteless prank carried out by Australias own Chasers team while dressed like terrorists in a fake motorcade.
America is no more Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 1:34 pm
I hate to say it because I always thought if we played fair and stood up against corruption and worked together and used our heads we would have a chance. But we are all under a form of mind control, and the majority is completely brainwashed. No matter what we do I just don’t us defeating this evil. It’s like the show Battle Star Galactica, they look like us, think like us if they were robots it would be a lot easier, but they are all among us. How can we defeat something we can’t clearly see? The way that show ended was there was a truce, they found common ground, but what happened, it started all over again, it never ends. The elite are a drop of mercury in a koi pond, and we’re the koi.
America is no more Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 1:47 pm
I can’t even listen to the radio show anymore, it’s so depressing and the advertisements feel like they are drilling a hole into my frontal lobe. I think what we need to do first is expose the obvious that everyone will see and will actually work together in stopping, chemtrails. If we could put that in the mainstream media, and blow the cover off that then the American people would wake up. We need to stop this pride every one has, love is blind and that is waht America is, blinded. We need to put actual news back on the air again. Everything is bought and controlled but I think chemtrails is something so obvious and effects all of us that it is the gateway. The 911 movement doesnt seem to be going anywhere. Sure a huge amount people belive it was an inside job, but what do they do, tell their friends, get inormed and then what, nothing happens. I like Alex Jones, but there is no way I am handing out the Obama Deception to wake up anyone. That movie came out way too early, is fear mongering and does more assuming than show actual facts. We need facts, we need clear cut dramatic in your face evidence and that is Chemtrails.
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